- Labyrinth of Crystal Princess is an upcoming horror game from indie dev Move the Hearts
- It’s set to debut on Steam, and arrive on mobile a little while later
- But what can we expect from it? Let’s dig in!
As we come towards the end of the day it’s time to start tying up some of our more unusual leads. And one of those is an upcoming horror game called Labyrinth of Crystal Princess. Set to debut on Steam it’s also apparently coming to mobile at some point in the future. But is it worth waiting around for? Let’s find out.
Set in your standard totally-not-evil laboratory, this game seems to follow Hiyo, a young girl with a lump of crystal sticking out of her head. After an accident in the laboratory gives her an opening, Hiyo resolves to escape, but there’s an invisible monster coming after her that’s determined not to let her leave alive.
You can definitely see the influence of some indie titles and the occasional bit of Undertale in the screenshots and key visuals we’ve seen for Labyrinth of Crystal Princess. And it also promises three separate endings, with multiple dialogue options and choices to explore as Hiyo navigates the labyrinth in order to escape.

There’s a lot to like with the initial reveal of Labyrinth of Crystal Princess. But like many overseas indie games, there’s frustratingly little for us to go on. Hopefully, as development continues we’ll be able to bring you more regarding platforms, release date and what else this spooky top-down horror game will offer.
But in the meantime, there are plenty of great games that are already out there in the wild to play. Why not check in on our massive list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) to see our recommendations?
And if you’re gaming on a budget, don’t fret, because you can also check our other list of the top 25 free-to-play games on iOS and Android for even more options of what to play!