OSHKOSH (WLUK) — Riders in Oshkosh will now be able to pay for public transit using a new mobile app, WisGo.
GO Transit, the public transportation service in the Greater Oshkosh area, announced Thursday the adoption of a new fare collecting system. The new app will provide riders with new features such as mobile payments and fare capping. GO transit says they hope the new app will provide riders with enhanced convenience and efficiency. The app is available now through the Umo Mobility app. Once downloaded, users can load the their wallets and use WisGo to pay for bus fares in the area.
In addition to the app, GO Transit is offering fare capping for riders. Once the fare cap is reached, additional rides become free. The new fare capping system eliminates the need for pre-purchased passes. All rides will contribute to the daily or monthly fare caps. Riders must use a WisGo card or the WisGo mobile app for fare purchases.
Fare capping details are as follows:
- Regular fare riders: $2 per ride with a cap of $4 per day
- Reduced fare riders: $1 per ride with a cap of $2 per day
- Monthly fare cap: $40.00 per month
Riders can still purchase fares with cash, but those fares will not be counted towards daily or monthly fare caps.
The new fare collection system eliminates the need for transfers. Using the app, riders will not be charged a fare within 90 minutes of paying a previous one. Those paying with cash will not be eligible for fare capping and transfers. Physical transfer passes will not be issued after Dec. 31.
GO Transit is offering free WisGo cards with a $5 fare purchase now through the end of the year.Riders can pick up and reload WisGo cards at the GO Transit Office, City Hall or the Oshkosh Public Library. Riders have until Dec. 31 to switch to the new app.
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